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Holy Spirit Inspiration...

That’s who you’ll find as our special guest!  God is truly present and worshiped at GMBC. Worshipers should expect a personal, uplifting experience with God.  And, everyone is allowed to participate in their own way.

Deaf & Hearing Impaired

Our 10:00 am worship service is interpreted for the deaf. Sign language classes are taught to encourage fellowship between the deaf and hearing impaired, and upon request, interpreters can be made available for other events and classes.

Parking & Handicapped Accessibility

There is parking for worshipers on the side of the church. There is also handicapped parking and accessibility,  there are often Security Ministry members available to assist with parking.

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At Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church you will experience everything from traditional and contemporary gospel, spirituals, hymns and contemporary praise. Feel free to join in song or dance. Freedom to praise and focus on God is the order of the day.


If you believe God has called you to serve and praise through song, consider one of the Gethesamne choirs. Accompanied by a variety of skilled musicians, Gethsemane worshipers are ministered to by the inspired voices of The Majestic Voices (Adult Choir), The Brotherhood Choir (Men’s Choir), The Chosen Generation (Young Adult Choir), The Voices of Praise (Youth Choir), and The Sunbeams (Children’s Choir). On special occasions the choirs combine (The Combined Voices) forming a beautiful mass choir.


Our church is operated through the tithes and offerings of its members.  Each service our church family is given an opportunity to give back to God in support of the ministry.  This is not a time of pressured involvement rather a cheerful celebration of HIS goodness to us.


We believe giving the tithe (the first tenth of income) declares that God comes first.  It recognizes His blessing and sovereign ownership of everything. It expresses faith and trust in God in every matter in life. In fact, we teach that persons are managers of God’s resources and should seek God’s guidance on how to manage not just the tithe we give, but also the remaining 90 percent of our income.


Additionally, our pastor is entirely supported by a weekly financial love offering given by the members to him for the support of him and his family.  All offerings are a matter of free-will giving by the members and our guests need not feel obligated to give.


Both online and mobile giving options are available for your convenience at all times by clicking button below:


Challenging Messages

One of the high points of our services comes with the preaching of God’s Word. This is the time when the congregation hears from God. The messages are powerful and practical.


​Dr. Duckworth will close with an invitation to those who want to make Jesus Lord of their lives and allows them to come forward. Those who feel a need to re-commit their lives or to pray about other concerns are also invited to come. Believers are encouraged to ask for the Holy Spirit to further empower them for Christian service. Often everyone is invited to come and pray during the altar service.


Deep emotion and excitement may be demonstrated throughout a service, because everyone who calls on God in faith receives something. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Luke 11:9 NIV)


If you’ve wondered what our services are like, we invite you to observe and experience God in new and exciting ways. You can dress up or dress down. You don’t have to be perfect either. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23 NIV) 


So, come just as you are!

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