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There is something for everyone.
There are so many ministries at GMBC we love for you to get involved and join us.

The purpose of the GMBC Christian Education ministry is to spread the Word of God and teach the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ while building up God’s Kingdom and making disciples who go out and make disciples for Christ.
Deacon Earnestine Carter
 Ministry Leader 
Dr. Jacqueline D. Nelson
 Ministry Advisor
Image by Eaters Collective

The purpose of the culinary ministry is to help with the task of creating meals for the various events at GMBC.

Dance Class
The vision for the GMBC Liturgical Dance Ministry is to praise God in the youths own
way under the Leadership of Pastor Dr. John E. Duckworth. We strive to bring people closer to
God threw dance and expressions.​​
Maya Roots
 Ministry Leader 
Contact Information:
Image by Thiago Barletta
Deaf & Hard
The Deaf ministry of Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church was formed to enable members of the Deaf Community to fully participate in the worship experience by learning and understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Signers translate every aspect of the Church service including Sunday school, Bibles study and both morning services.
Pauline Hampton
Image by youssef naddam
Disciples in
The Disciples in Action Ministry is founded on the wholistic approach for our ministry, we are
committed to caring for our church family, and friends. While our Church members and friends are experiencing life’s challenges, the D.I.A. members are there with the love and support of Christ.
Rev. Ella Sherlaine Hardy
Deacon William Harper
Rev. Dr. John E. Duckworth, Pastor
Ministry Leaders
Image by Kyle Head
The Drama Ministry purpose is to show God's word through play's and skits.
Sis. Ebony Madison
Ministry Leaders
Hip Hop Girl
Image by Sigmund
First, reaching inward, nurturing our membership through mission study,
education, fellowship, and prayer. Second reaching outward through personal witnessing, evangelizing, helping the needy and less fortunate, and seeking justice for all, in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sister Margie McGruder-McMillan
Ministry Leaders
Happy Man
Our mission is to practice Christian Unity among The Men of Gethsemane. To promote open fellowship, exhibit good stewardship, model effective leadership, and provide meaningful mentorship among and for the men and young men of Gethsemane. To bring our God Glory as we support each other and reach out to the surrounding community in Christian Love.
Group Students Smilling
This ministry seeks to encounter singles through sure biblical and common sense information (Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 19:2-3). This ministry seeks to empower and energize singles to know who they are in Christ, to make right choices, and build spiritual and relational wholeness (I Corinthians 6:19, 12; II Corinthians 6:14, 7:32); encouraging singles in their life of singleness (Acts 13:47, Matthew 5:13-16). The desired outcome is to impact the world’s misconception that a life of singleness is a time of loneliness and despair but a time of personal growth and spiritual development.
Rev. Karen Crummie
Ministry Leader
Stethoscope on the Cardiogram
The purpose of the health ministry at GMBC is to promote wellness and to prevent illness in the church and surrounding communities. We provide Information to allow each person to make informed decisions and to explore all options to maximize positive results with early disease
Geraldine Merchant
Ministry Leader
Image by whoislimos
The Grief Ministry was a vision of Rev. Dr. John E. Duckworth. The vision came to fruition when Deborah Adams initiated the first meeting in February of 2017. This initial meeting was attended by Sally Matthews, Sue Davis, Sheila Haney, and Patricia Watkins. Membership has since grown substantially.
​Deborah Adams
Ministry Leader
Image by William Krause
Our Mission is to serve Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church by providing comprehensive Media Services that will promote the best possible worship experience. Producing quality media that will allow worshipers to be aligned with the visual and auditory experiences from our services. This Media form invites a connection and communion with God, even when worshipers are not able to attend services. We will support the Pastor and all ministries in their events and educational endeavors.
Deborah Adams
Ministry Leader
Image by Ben White
The purpose of this mission is to assist church members and the general public (community) with basic needs, which are considered to be “hands up” in an effort to help families maintain
health and well-being.
The purpose of the music ministry is to exalt Jesus Christ in word, song and instruments. We provide inspiration in harmony with our voices & instruments and therefore, commit our vocal
and instrumental gifts to the Lord and serve under His divine power. The music ministry plays a vital role in the worship experience by preparing hearts and minds to receive the Word of God.
Sis. Angela R. Davis
Minister of Music
Dollar Bill in Jar

Our vision is to feed the sheep of our flock developing a scriptural based sound doctrinal foundation. Our goal therefore is to insure Disciple growth in Bible knowledge and understanding. The New Disciples Ministry uses a very simple and yet tremendously powerful
tool often called the “Roman Road.” It is found in the book of Romans. Each of the verses is equential and beautifully designed to help us, to present to believers, Christ’s plan of salvation to unbelievers. Keep in mind, however; that whatever approach is used, it should be done in a ministry of love and care.
Image by Cytonn Photography
New Discipleship
 The New Disciples Ministry uses a very simple and yet tremendously powerful
tool often called the “Roman Road.” It is found in the book of Romans. Each of the verses is sequential and beautifully designed to help us, to present to believers, Christ’s plan of salvation to unbelievers. Keep in mind, however; that whatever approach is used, it should be done in a ministry of love and care.
Image by Eliott Reyna
New Generation
Our Ministry is dedicated to strengthen the spiritual connection and relationship
with the church for young men and young women between the ages of 18-32. Although we have a targeted age range, all are welcome and encouraged to takepart in our efforts, as it is our desire to be an effective ministry that reaches all.
Young Male Nurse
The mission of the nurses’ ministry is to serve God’s people as church nurses by giving aid and comfort as directed by the word of God in using our gifts and talents.

The goal of the nurses ’ministry is to identify the needs of our ministry as church nurses and
its importance to the Pastor, congregation and the community. Additionally, our services
will provide aid to those in need through Christian love and compassion, as identified in the
word of God.
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