Our Mission
Gethsemane is lead by the Holy Ghost and directed by God’s Word, therefore we are not “traditional” in the sense being loyal to tradition. Therefore we are a contemporary church that is extremely sensitive to the time in which we currently live. We are not afraid to address current issues that appear to go beyond the “spiritual being.” God is a holistic God and therefore is concerned with the totality of humanity. Preaching and teaching at Gethsemane is geared toward the Gospel’s ability to empower, enhance, and improve one’s life. Again, on behalf of our wonderful church family we welcome you to our website.
The Seal of Gethsemane
The crown of thorns represents the anguish and pain that Jesus endured on his way to the cross on Calvary. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we must never forget that without a cross there is no crown. The crown of thorns also represents the “cost of discipleship” assuring the blood, sweat, and tears associated with true discipleship.
The open hands represent the open invitation of the Godhead for all who would come and become a disciple. They also represent the fact that we are all in the Lord’s Hands. It is also the intent of Gethsemane to be totally guided and led by the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost in all of our efforts. This Godhead leadership starts with the Pastor and passes through the Pews.
This symbol is often among one of the most misunderstood symbols in Christendom, although it has a multifarious of meanings. In relation to Gethsemane’s usage, the Ankh cross was selected based upon its rich heritage in African and Christian history. The precise origin of the symbol remains a mystery to Egyptologists, and no single hypothesis has been widely accepted. The Ankh is defined as the symbolic representation of both Physical and Eternal life. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created by Africans in Ancient Egypt. The Ankh is certainly the genesis of the cross, as the central thematic symbol of the Christian faith. The Roman cross was symbolic of execution and was shameful in the same manner as a noose or headman’s ax and it has always been symbolic of death. This influenced Emperor Constantine who actually made the cross the symbol of punishment and death synonymous with Christianity. According to Church history, the Coptic Church is the Christian church of Egypt that was established by Mark in the 1st century around 60 A.D. For the Coptic Church, the circle represented the eternal and everlasting love of God as shown through Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. It also represents and symbolizes Christ’s halo and resurrection, life after death. Therefore at Gethsemane, we are sensitive to the historical value of what the Ankh cross represents and symbolizes.
These spots represent the number of completion and satisfaction biblically. The redemptive work on Calvary was complete and satisfying.
The Garden of Gethsemane represented a place of great agony and the feelings of dithyrambic and impassion for Jesus Christ while Jesus made the most vital decision ever made on earth. Therefore, the banner underneath is based upon the final decision of Jesus to complete the Will of God with his life.
The broken chain represents the broken bound that sin has on the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Due to the redemptive work on Calvary, all who are willing to be guided and led by the Godhead will experience the broken stronghold that sin had on one’s life. Although sin will be present until the rapture, the strength of sin’s penalty on our lives was broken through the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ on that faithful Easter Morning.